Yoga has supported me deeply.
I spontaneously began by myself when I was about 12 years. I wrote about how it helped me process anxiety at school here. Me and Yoga became a sanctuary, we met each other and fell in love!
Alongside, I loved my Bible and inner prayer life. From a younger age, I spoke with God. God was my best friend – I totally knew his presence!
My spiritual passion for union with God trumped my Yoga practice, and I very much view Yoga, or any holistc practice really, as a tool for and outflow from this communion with Divine. I became a Christian, which supported me to heal childhood wounds and develop powerful internal structures, such as receiving the love of Father God, in combination with wild Holy Spirit awakenings. My inner sight opened further, and I began to dream vividly, receive prophetic insight and move in the rhymn of this holy, radical flow.
I left Yoga behind, as I also grew beliefs which declared Yoga to be dangerous. I’d like to keep this blog fairly brief, so I will side-step that rabbit hole. A few years down the line, a friend and I were trying out some Yoga together, but declaring our devotion to God as we went through. I chuckle now as I reflect on that: as if God wasn’t being honoured through my body already!
After a couple of years’ life-altering awakening states, I found myself turning back to Yoga to support my physical body’s union with my emotional and spiritual world. My Cosmic expansion, through my Spirit in various meditative states, had unveiled a vast disconnection within me to my physical existence. After what felt like an ascension into incredible light, I came crashing down into my 3d self. As the universal laws portray: receiving light enables us to perceive the darkness. When we expand to the heights of the spiritual mountain, we also descend to the valley of shadows. I am passionate about this, as for me this is the perfect concept of a kiss, an embrace, a loving union between light and dark: how we heal and reunite the fragments of our painful separation from love.
So I found myself immerged in a Yoga practice, a life-line. I realised that I couldn’t bypass my body anymore in my communion with God. I was invited to go through my body now, and bring all of me together on this journey.
When we move, we can bring our attention to what we are feeling inside. With the conscious and repetitive, flowing postures of Yoga, the mind can descend into the body and flood our awareness into this sacred temple. The bringing of our consciousness into various muscles, joints and aches that we feel, restores our presence to these places. By inhabiting the body in this way, we return home to ourselves. The thing is: the Universe is out there, but it is also in here. Whatever goes up comes down. When we project ourselves out into various cosmic dimensions, we eventually land back here in the body, because I believe it is now the time to daringly discover this for real, here. We incarnate into this human life to bring the immaterial into 3d material. We are already very able to travel galaxies, and create starlit communities off-grid, or experience profound oneness with one-another. But the question is: how able are we to translate this into the temple of our human body, to diffuse our medicine into our life, and the lives we touch on Earth? Can we create our ecstatic visions here?
We have come here to learn how to be human. It is a task to fit a huge Soul into this one physical frame. And in the process, we are learning about ourselves, step by step. And so, to make it easier for ourselves, we need to slow right down. The Universe out there, in the etheric planes, opperates at high speed, similar to our upper chakras. It is electric. But our lower body, that which most ressembles the consiousness of Earth, resonates much more slowly. By the time we reach our feet, we are grounded. And being firmly rooted into the earth is pretty slow. We are literally giving over own own will, and egoic tendancies, to the rhythm of Earth. We need to learn these cyclical processes, and harmonise with the sounds of our earthly home. Unless we do this, we cannot bridge our Heavenly being with our Earthen temple. And, I believe, that the world needs this gift from us. We need to evolve collectively, into a future of benevolence, cocreative genius, and the experience of bliss, of love… We create this together, with Earth.
I begin with myself. I begin on my soft and inviting mat. I open my energy centres through prayer and breath. I’m not very ‘good’ at this, I am devoted. It is not about perfection, the ‘right way’: it is about being guided from within, and to do this we need to get in touch with ourselves. An easy way is to start with breath, conscious awareness and imagination. The word even contains ‘magic’ in it! Magi is the name given to the wise sovereigns who followed the star to where Jesus was born, to honour Christ. This is a group of people who honoured the seasons and heavens, who worked with universal energy, and who carefully followed their Soul’s whispers. They knew when the Christ was to appear, and they devoted themselves to bringing him into the world. I believe we are invited to do the same, for Christ within us. Can we trace the heavens within our own bodies? Can we follow our inner sight through the deep blackness of the body’s cosmos, to where the light of awareness shines? And this bright star within, what is this illuminating for us: who is this divine child being birthed through us?
I use the symbology of the divine child to represent the alchemical creation from light and dark. From the two parents of heavenly Father, and earthly Mother, comes a child of transcendance. This can be seen in the story of Isis, Osiris and their child Horus, as well as Mary, Joseph and Jesus. The child represents the 3rd way, the mysterious opening between two opposites, also known as the vesica piscis. Jesus spoke about this as the ‘narrow way’, a hidden path which is concealed to those without eyes to see, nor ears to hear. In this union between a paradox, such as the duality of gender, of opposite mindsets or beliefs, or to the extent of Heaven and Earth themselves… there emerges a different, alternative, often missunderstood ‘way’. And this opening, I suggest, we discover through the body.
If we can bring our devoted mind’s eye, in full surrender to the heart, the womb or creative space, and down through our feet into the earth, in humble service to all living beings which mother Earth supports, then I believe we are worthy to carry this profound and majestic secret of Christ, of God. It is through the process of bowing to our physical existence, in yielding our Spirit to our Soul, that I am personally discovering a greater union than I have ever experienced. The doorways of the body, the chakras as we also call them, are these narrow ways. They open up, like our blood vessels do, for divine energy to flow through, and to enable our marriage between Earth and Heaven, Body, Soul and Spirit.
The answers to a confused world, one lost in poliarity, can be found within. We can literally bring healing and peace to these conflicts we find on the internal level, in reflection to those on the external plane, and vice-versa. Again, the breath, intuitive movement, Yogic flow, bring together a way of process, a map into and through the body. We are enabled to reach our destination within, we are delivered unto ourselves. Here, in our home, we can meet face to face with God, as God births through us, and paradoxically, with us.
Let us make space, let us return home, let us open our lives ~
“Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in” Psalm 24:7