it’s ok to use a label
labels are useful ways to build understanding at a basic and earthly level
when we begin to unpeel, unravel, and look deeper,
then we might find nuance and open ended questions,
queries into the nature of things, how they might interconnect, cross-weave…
But at basic levels, of inclusivity, diversity, ethics…
having an openness to such ways of distinguising,
of creating groups of commonality,
mutuality and support,
is so highly important and vastly undervalued in the many arenas (i share on wellness & spiritual spaces below) i/we find ourselves in.
It’s changing, gradually. and it changes with you, with i, with us.
right here, right now, we are an ‘us’.
we are momentum and change.
as we evolve with the dialogues and change-making of personal pronoun awareness, learning about; racism, disabled bodies and ableism, capitalism, marginalisation, neurodiversity, and the list goes on
we are being re-made, or rather, un-made from a (harmful) social paradigm in general.
what does this mean?
what social paradigm?
perhaps the one where you feel oppressed in some area of your life, maybe exploited, or lesser than.
or maybe you feel rather lucky, or are privileged in variable degrees by background/locality/ethnicity/able bodied/financially etc, and are less aware of some of these subjects.
you are immensely welcome here too, we all are.
as a brilliant teacher put it (Yoli Maya Yeh); we are all welcome on this journey of diversity and inclusion, so long as our intention is to minimise harm, and eventually perhaps, move beyond harm altogether – is this possible?
somewhere it is – in the vast reaches of Space, and in the tiny tendrils of roots in soil… so let’s keep tending this fire in our hearts.
Wellbeing, spiritual spaces:
huge, vast category
bypassing is easy
so is gaslighting
but also so many bright and beautiful occurances happening simultaneously
it’s messy
it seems really stark and present in these spaces
perhaps because they are seedbeds for change and growth, easily attracts all the worst and best parts of us as humans
can be hard to begin conversations around this here
let’s do it anyway
but in our own creative and collaborative ways
let’s also tend to the wounds in our hearts and bodies
scars from isolation, fall-outs, going-wrongs, painful experiences
in astrology, we see this as the scapegoat story of Chiron
half animal, half human ie half different from humans
scorned because of it
kind of like the story of Jesus; half divine, half human
as soon as you’re slightly otherworldly, different, carrying a message from another place, culture, ethnicity, experience, context, wavelength, or perhaps frequency (in the cosmic sense!)
then there seems to be a stand-off
this is a bizarre occurance, considering that all humans, whether fully human or not (here me out) are still human
we are all kindred in some ways
compare us to another species, not on this planet, such as ‘alien’ beings from Venus
then, we have a bigger difference on our hands to broach
there is money, power and greed in the hands of active and harmful division
it is corrupt
this disease has been passed down to us
if we can lean into the liminal limbo space of the inbetween…
the between human and divine, human and animal, species and species… left and right hemisphere…
we find something else
magic of unity
that’s alchemy right
two things forging, creating something ‘other’ than
like when a child is conceived
so, i think, we are all in the business of societal love-making.
the inner sexual dynamics of creative flux, curiosity and intersections…
pleasure and play at the heart of our innocent experience.
Going back to the labels:
the above mentioned lofty, deeply felt and spiritual dance of finding unity amongst difference-
a mesmirising process.
but does not discredit the boundary making of labels
in our earthly, everyday plane of living, eating, working, commuting etc
there is difference between us
we can only find unity, by embracing the difference between us
aswell as the fear, mystery, confusion therein
but first, we must appreciate our differences, feel welcome in sharing, in reassuring one another
sharing our unique perspectives
viewpoints, emobodied experience
we are not ‘all one’ right now
in this moment, we are a scattered, tumultuous species that has a lot of learning / unlearning before us
thankfully, there are many of us willing to go on this journey
and perhaps all of us will follow
but if not, it doesn’t matter
what matters is that you, and i, and us, are here
and that’s all we can do,
show up, be here, and keep on lighting our unique flames
oh- imagine in medieval/ancient (?) times; all the varied hills, peaks, mountains with fiery beacons would have been distinct in their own way,
across starkly varied geography and climates etc
but from the celestials, they all look the same
and the light eventually merges into one cohesive flame
can we play at it?
can we be wild and crazy and fabulous as a dancing flame?