This is such a week of beginnings!
Ok, please bare with me… as I will end this article speaking more of the nuances of the Feminine vis-a-vis the classic over-masculinating of what Equinox can sometimes feel like (at least to me!). First, I want to pay some love to Mercury here, just share with you a little about how amazing this little planet is!
Mercury is all about our communication, how easily we can express ourselves and how. And this planet has just moved into Aries.
He/she, the none-dual quick-footed being, symbolises our nervous system, our brain, our pathways of communication and travel. Mercury is also known as Hermes to the Greek panthyon, as opposed to Mercury by the Romans. Hermes the parcel deliverer, and of various courrier and information! ‘The messenger of the gods’, the intermediary.
Mercury also speaks to our capacity to digest information and assimulate what we need, to discern and organise, hence in the organ system is associated with the small intestines. The sign of Virgo, ruled by Hermes, corresponds with earthly manifestation & harvest.
Our limbs are also very Mercurial, especially our shoulders and arms, which we use to play music, write, communicate, drive something, play sports, be agile (or not!), and create with. This is strongly correlated to Gemini, where Hermes also rules.
Aries is the beginning of the Astrological year, hence when the Sun crosses the equator exactly (or our relation to the Sun more like) we get… the Equinox. Equal day and night. Balance.
But just before our Solar Equinox on Monday evening (21:25), Mercury has already dashed in, in advance.
How might our Mercurial tendencies be in greater action, athletic potential and sponteneity in this new, fiery season of initiation and beginnings?
Mercury has just left Pisces, a most challenging and confusing place for our communication & clarity, ability to see left/right etc, where philosophy and spiritual intuitive arts are in full flow, and direct dialogue and capacity to make ‘logical’ decisions from a brain/frontal cortex perspective is hindered.
It’s more about the feeling body, the wider cosmos, and coming into tune with the flow of life and what naturally feels ‘right’ or ‘good’. This is a beautiful opportunity to yield our linear thinking & organisation, and release to the embrace of all that is.
Now that Mercury has entered Aries, if we have knelt into the teaching of Pisces, we are able to bring these learnings of surrender & trust through to our frontal brain – where we make snap decisions, the front of our body, where we lean into action and put one foot forward.. or more like: run a short-distance sprint!
It’s spontaneous decision-making, instant speech & creativity. Which may overspill from anger, frustration, immature action.
So, one of the key liabilities of Aries can be jumping the band-wagon before it’s really fully felt in the body...
That’s why one of the best keys to Spring Equinox, Aries season, is to make decisions, light the flame of fire, but not be too focused on how it will happen, how long it will take etc, but to…
Let yourself be the trailblazer, into the unknown, and trust the holding space will come later, which is more Taurus’ strength.
There’s a freedom of Aries, where you don’t need to hold onto the future, the consequences of your actions, how it will affect others: it’s simply all about you.
Many of us are afraid of this: we are caught up in people-pleasing programmes, emotional patterns of over-burdened care for others, rather than for ourselves first. It’s a nuance, and life-long learning.
This season of change invites us to drop our over-thinking for how others view us, or how our actions affect others (in a healthy way, of course). Perhaps there’s an area of life which has become too others focused, too dependant, and now it’s time to bring balance here.
It’s time to light that fire under your ass and project yourself like a rocket!
I mean, really: Aries is a fire sign, one which initiates, and lights up the match. Starts a fire. Sometimes a riot!
May our riots be in tending to our wounds, in aiding the return of our wild, free, audacious selves. {Mercury and the Sun will approach the asteroid of Chiron this coming month (25th March & 5th April respectively).}
As the Sun transits into Aries, our heart’s desires, passions & vital energy is all stirred up to re-energise our whole system. Our blood, our muscles, our mind, our physical being is illuminated by fresh light, warmth & strength.
Over the past month, Venus, the Feminine & Goddess crossed paths in Aries, with Jupiter. Both priest & priestess blessed our wounds (Chiron) of being able to dwell with the part of us who is uncertain how to exist, how to express her/himself. The aspect of our psyche & history that has been repressed, left behind, or outright abused. The adrenals here can easily be burnt-out, from fear & over-strife. Where we may have reacted out of hurt, pain.
Our time to bring light to our heart’s sacred calling is here. Our strength to enact what we need, and what humanity calls for, from leaders, trailblazers and initaites of the entrepreneurial, way-showing path, on the cutting-edge of this present day.
Aries focuses us on the now, the root of who we are, the core essence of who ‘I am’. How can we plant our seed of pure being, of innocent fresh existence & essential personality, or spark of life…?
Perhaps it looks like starting a garden, initiating a project, building new relationships, becoming newly aware of who we are, getting active, writing our thoughts, creating a start-up, piloting a business, making leadership decisions, or standing on your own two feet in a new way, standing your ground… etc.
‘Just do it’ – key words of Aries
Trust that you’ve had enough reflection, and that there will always be more of this time to pause.
An Aries season is definitely not a time to create burn-out, by over-doing it. But to let this fiery active energy re-balance the parts of us who may have become stagnant and stuck during winter.
We live in a wounded society still (patriarchy/capitalism/corruption – the subversion of both masculine & feminine!), and some of the wounds of Aries are; high stress, burn-out, anxiety, aggresion, eratic conflict, over-competition and sometimes unhealthy selfishness.
It’s not time to fuel those pre-programmed patterns of ‘do do do’…
But to allow and receive the greater dawning of inner, heart-arising light. The radiant sovereign heart.
Where do we want our energy to go?
Where do we want to direct our life-giving blood?
How we can we bring life to every part of our body? Both literally and metaphorically.
How can our minds serve our heart?
What initiatory decision is calling to us from deep within?
Dark moon….
Seeing as this birthing of new season occurs on a dark Moon, let us feel in and receive the bliss of letting go, flowing waters, into the ocean of the Unknown
The voidal, luscious, dark-night canvas of potential, and creative mmm
This yummy, holding space of the Feminine
She is dark Mother, deep Womb and our ancestors abound
Knowing that the eclipses, portals of transformation and shift, are around the corner, waiting to support intrepid souls… early April begins this season, and I shall share more on this soon.
Solar equinox Monday evening 21:25
Darkest Moon on Tuesday 17:22 (Moon moves to Aries at 16:02)
Pluto moves to Aquarius on Thursday 12:24 – such a big generational shift!!!! Seperate blog in motion…
Venus and the Moon portal on Friday 10:31 – the meeting of Venus and the Moon marks a new cycle of the Feminine body for this month (see Venus Wisdom’s fascinating work on this)
Mars moves to Cancer on Saturday 11:46 – since the end of 7+ months in Gemini and retrograde! Another blog is also peddling away :)
Much Love as always <3