Your truth is not separate from your depths.
Your truth is not that which is spoken.
It is not that which is seen.
It is not that which you viscerally know.
If it was already all of these things, then we are done here.
It goes far deeper.
Far further.
It lies underneath what you know.
There is more to it.
What you think you know, you know yet more deeply.
What you think was sorted and aligned.
Is much messier.
I am not here to bring chaos to your life.
I am here to remind you of the chaos that already is.
Truth is not perfect, fully formed and stagnant.
Truth is an emanation of Life.
Life is ever evolving.
Truth is ever unfolding.
Did you think that was it?
That it’s all pre-arranged, done and dusted?
No, no, no.
It’s Life.
Organic, unkempt, inhabiting beneath your deepest sensed feelings…
Come and find this,
This depth,
This truth,
This Life.
This, you.
I am waiting.