Wow it’s been such a month of stretching to and fro, challenging questions and deeper awareness – at least for us here. I feel that with the Eclipses, and we are presently in-between them (ooh!), we are called into a more potently changeable moment of time, where it’s kinda like being in a washing machine? Suddenly we’re aware of that piece of ourselves we totally forgot about, and how it’s wrapped around this other bit, and now the colours are merging, and oops something rubbed off on something else, and… oh, now the pigeons have pooped over all the dry washing. Sort of messy, but ecstatically vibrant like a roller-coaster ride, on a daily mundane level. These are the images which pop to mind today. Do any dance around for you?
As I type, Venus is about to dive into Cancer waters, leaving her co-traveler, Mercury, to continue hopping backwards across diverse airwaves of Gemini. Our heart, the Sun, is drawn up into this ongoing flight of Gemini fancies, having just passed over our North Node here. With the past Full Moon eclipse falling at this point, we may have felt ‘pushed’ to entertain beliefs/thoughts beyond our comfort zone. Its like all our pillars have been prodded, and begin to wave in an ethereal pick-a-mix. We’re stirred up, and mixing with ideas which may feel contrasting or confusing, but in time the dust will settle back to Earth. The New Moon is coming soon. Ah I feel the waning dark Moon always offers me deep restoration and pause. Kind of like entering an ancient, very dark and refreshing cave. Such wisdom echoing through her vast chambers into my own. I lie down, as if dead, on the pulsating, cooling earth, and all my tension, heat and sweat of the fullest Moon and Sun, can just dissipate from my body into hers. It will be another Eclipse – the final one of the season.
It’s also key to remember, our ongoing alchemy of the year: that of Saturn and Uranus. These two are really forming stuff out into concrete long-lasting change. We really gotta dive on into it, because this is the formation of our future structures – whether it be your home, your work, your family life, your love, your sense of purpose, whatever it is… if you’re feeling you need to make a change, and it has to be flipping NOW? Then, it’s probably time! Definitely journey daily with the simple, small steps of commitment, that eventually lead to a whole revolution. Let’s commit to the freedom our heart is longing for, and honour the steps laid out before us, however little we might understand them.
Let’s dance…
It feels like everything is out; Flung wide open for investigation, and it is nerve-wracking at times!
The calling of Gemini is to allow ourselves to taste the pollen of diverse cultures, ideas, mental processes. Only then can we come to know one another more fully: ourselves, in fact. There is indeed a fear of losing identity, as we try on the many dramatic masks. Mercury needs to move briskly, between all that is. I think that is key here, that he/she moves quickly – Hermes the messenger. There is an aloof quality, of simply delivering a message- but no responsibility for the content. Is there an initiation to let go of personal attachments to what we think?
I believe Mercury demonstrates just that:
It is purely what we think , the pendulum is swinging between our two hemispheres, pillars of the mind. Mercury is neither male nor female, shapeshifts at ease, carries little weight and glides like a feather. We like to think we are like this, but I notice we are often clinging unto our belief systems (South node, our past, in Sagittarius, i.e. old outdated truths, philosophies or beliefs). And we try to bring this into the Gemini theatre, recreating our attachments between various themes . But the service of Gemini is to allow us to let go, and to entertain ourselves, lightly, non-seriously between all the possibilities.
That is challenging, but we cannot hold healthy and evolving belief systems unless we actually work it out and evolve – through debate, openness and consideration of opposites.
We are at a crossroads of opinion- it feels like the ‘shit’ has hit the fan! And Mercury retrograde definitely allows a deeper inward introspection of how we can integrate quick neural activity bouncing off between our mind hemispheres, in our conversations, our politics at play, or on the global platform. The continued conflict of thought, proof, facts, and so on… the deeper you look the more stuff is uncovered: the rabbit hole truly keeps on deepening. In retrograde, it is as if Mercury is on trial.
I feel the beauty of this is the state of surrender I am led to; As I remember it is not about finding an external, absolute truth. The opportunity is to play and discover my curiosity, and to let my foundations of truth be rocked by ‘truth’s’ shadow (Mercury retrograde), and nourished by renewed innocence. This comes, I feel, through being comfortable with both the ugly and the beautiful.
Can we surrender our fixed knowledge, and allow ourselves to move in the winds of change? Knowing we are so much more than all of this? And truly, here we can find our union in the sea of existence itself….
Here is Jupiter,
Lord of our past experience of truth (South node Sagittarius), swimming in the sea of spiritual knowing, of empathic meeting, and deep healing. Our destiny (Gemini North node) introspects (Mercury retrograde), whilst our past (South node) receives abundant favour from father God, remembering the Piscean age of oneness with God, the life message of Jesus and so many figures of love and reconciliation.
Venus moves into Cancer on the 2nd June,
making an amplification in the water element of flowing feelings, sense of beauty, wonder and awe of life.
We have the profound tension of Saturn and Uranus
as a backdrop to all our journeying at present. On the 18th/19th we reach a collision of their conflict. Simultaneously Mercury retrograde creates an amplification in air element with Saturn retrograde, and, the Sun amplifies this too, just before entering Cancer for the Solstice of June 21st.
Tensions rise, and an outlet could be to allow ourselves permission of movement between vast ethereal thought bubbles, allowing our mind, and nervous system, to truly be turned inside out (both domicile lords currently retrograde i.e. backward motion). Will we let ourselves hang upside down? To turn it all on its head?
Our residual angles, shapes and straight lines: can they be entirely swirled up, taught, sprung and reformed, by the Divine artist at work?
Perhaps if we really know how loved we are, held and supported from beyond our tangible world, then we might jump at a radical undoing! Knowing we are also being re-moulded together into something far more expansive and embodied. We are clay in the hands of the Potter, all of us mere particles of soil, of stardust…
is brilliant at reminding us that we all come from nothing : the no-thing, the great emptiness of dark matter (i.e. compost!), the womb of creation.
In the first chapter of Genesis the Bible recounts, “First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don’t see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God’s Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss” (from The Message translation).
Pluto is retrograde in Saturn’s domicile of Capricorn, the zodiac where we received huge shifts in early 2020! This was when Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and the Sun formed a ‘stellium’ in that mighty month of January, soon followed by massive structural change in how our society is built and organised in the daily mundane (all very Saturnian). A spotlight was shone on death, sobriety, restrictions… So, in light of this, Pluto continues to remind us of where we’ve come from, and amplifies this sacred Earth element of land, agriculture and long-term stability.
Meanwhile, Uranus
is also found in elemental Earth of Taurus, an ancient symbol of life’s sanctity, and heralding an ancient time when we lived far closer to, and in balance with Earth. This is such a lightning bolt of a planet, on a total mission! Uranus churns up our fixed reality, or some might say: our matrix. Taurus is a solid, slow, deeply rooted energy: Uranian energy is helping to shift old stagnant stuff, in service of our continued evolution. With this powerful whirlwind, we are empowered to seek the freedom we are so longing for, feeling this mighty storm fighting and rebelling from within! We can let the old die, knowing that Pluto symbolises both death and transformation, in the same way as compost creates fertile grounding for the next life cycle.
Venus soaks
in a shimmering sanctuary of healing, cleansing, initiatory waters (Cancer). She is lady ruler of Taurus, and blesses our earthy uprooting with flowing rivers of love and nourishment. The milky spring emanates in part from Sirius fixed star, revered as ancient Mother, and long-forgotten home for many starlit parts of our DNA. Venus passes over this point for the…
New Moon Solar Eclipse
Such an eclipse is when the Moon eclipses the Sun. Conjunct Mercury retrograde, at 19 degrees of Gemini, the New Moon will be drawing on an incredible alchemical point between the polarity stars of Gemini: the opposing twins. I learnt of this star, Alnilam, from my teacher and guide in Astrology. She describes this point as a place of transcendence of duality. An invitation of union, where we may move beyond the trickster template of our Earth experience, if we so choose. Mercury rules this realm, and in retrograde allows us a real deep probe! Shadow and messiness abound, that we can accept all that we are, and go on together.
Also, note a square to Neptune in Pisces: posing us an opportunity to challenge any illusion of ‘lost at sea’ victimhood we might be ensnared in (imagine a fish in a net!)… any old stuff which doesn’t serve our capacity to accept both light & dark, right & wrong, left & right… To see it all and to engage a peace which transcends all understanding. There is no need for spiritual techniques of avoidance, or trying to ‘escape’, or waiting to be ‘saved’. We are this, right from deep within us, we have all that we need now. Gemini gives it all to us! The shit, the gold, the ugly, the sexy! We get to create, as creator beings that we are, trusted and supported by Love. And a New Moon is a perfect time for sewing such a seed!
It is at this specific degree of fixed star Alnilam (look it up), that our Solar expression becomes eclipsed. All our outward doing, sense of purpose, our activities, simply fall like autumn leaves to Earth. It is as if a slate is wiped clean entirely, and we return to zero point. Held outstretched upon the night-sky canvas, we are totally undone… And mysterious magic has her way
And then suddenly!!! …
The fires of Mars
launch (June 11th) into Leo’s own flame, setting alight courage for plenty of bold, emblazoned, warrior-like action! After Mars’ super slow, introspected time back at home (Cancer), we can move forwards… Releasing our resistances. As we readily charge on, we know we can draw on our inner resources, filled to the brim of maternal juices!
Leo is all about our personal fire, our strength of identity, and claiming our inherent self worth. This is also for the sake of others too, in support of our lions’ pride… Can we harness this, to balance with energies of Aquarius? Mars approaches an opposition with Saturn (early July). Which, I feel, is bolstered by its opposition with Pluto on the 6th of June. There may be a strong readiness of action, i.e. ready to flare things up on an external front. Mars is associated with our sexual potency, our fertility of self-will. This may give us energy to trailblaze our own path, in response to Saturn’s restrictions on the global platform.
Perhaps the Mars-Pluto opposition in June will have prepared us inwardly, having fully witnessed the death of old Capricornian structures, that we can recreate these anew in the era of Aquarius. Let’s end the cycle of societal disharmony, abusive hierarchy, and any oppression or degradation of sacred Earth. These are our lessons learned.
Mars fights forth into the rest of Summer. The pace may quicken as Mercury moves direct from June 22nd.
Jupiter retrograde
from the 20th and Neptune also retrogrades from the 25th of June… And so, we see that Pisces goes into re-evaluation phase. Perhaps a healing of consciousness, a ‘check-up’ where we could be going astray, and a questioning: what do we went to focus on for when Jupiter finally returns to its Piscean domicile at the very end of the year (literally).
The Sun
– which rules Leo, moves into Cancer for Summer Solstice: so, our drive for change (Mars) is resourced again by this maternal and protective instinct of the heart.
The Full Moon
in Capricorn on the 24th of June, opposes the Moon’s home sign of Cancer, where Venus and the Sun reside. Our heart, our vital life-force, and self-love experience deep watery bliss and emotional release. Whilst the Moon simultaneously experiences the pain and separation of being on Gaia.
Saturn rules Capricorn, as the last visible planet to the human eye. There is a sense of feeling imprisoned on Earth. But this only exists in the mind… when we can truly let go, and fall to our knees, then we are able to peer beyond our feeble understanding…
We are Cosmic, deeply Spiritual Beings, lovingly interwoven with All That Is ♥️
Sun and Venus shine on, breaking through, illuminating…