Solar rays are shining through Aquarius, with Mercury retrograde and Saturn. Oh, a delight to have all this Aquarian energy, whilst Jupiter creates watery movements in his home zodiac, Pisces. Mars is about to enter Capricorn, where Venus is still in her retrograde journey. She is us, going down and down the rabbit hole of who we are. The pyramid turns upside down, deep into Earth.
My key musing is: how can I connect and anchor my cosmic knowing, though my body, and rooted in Mother Earth? This in turn creates my Soul’s calling into reality. What starts in dreams, in visions and thoughts, turns into daily action, step by step. Until small habits roll into greater manifestation of our original dream, altered by the ebb and flow of a wise and magical current of life.
Let’s take a moment of intuitive wisdom in flow…
Mercury retrograding brings insight into our deep psyche, mental patterns, direction of daily life: particularly towards our vision of the future (Aquarius).
Saturn covers our discipline: what action can we take to embody responsibility for our vision? How can we steward our life towards (collective) evolution? What do we need to look long & hard at?
Jupiter spirals at his lofty realm in Pisces, where from flowing waters of cosmic nurture overflow into our ethereal mind, and, with the help of Saturn deep into our physical being & manifest life.
Venus is still there… almost forgotten; deep down the well of Saturnian earthen caverns.
This is the space of Plutonic undoing, absolute letting go of all misalignments in our life, which do not serve us as we step into this new calendar year. What foundation do you want to build your future on? How might we provide for our sensual delight? That we might abound in joy, in radical self-love, in security, in wholesome relationships. This is Venus, unveiling our daily habits/patterns which create self-sabotage or where we ignore our true self.
🌹 We can come home to ourselves and love our neediest depths to life 🌹
Let the deep psychic journeys bathe you in revelation, knowing that all is held in absolute Love.
Dream, envision, prosper in this time of limbo.
The inbetween place, between winter and spring, night and day.
In LOVE & Service,